Thank you for this important comment. Yes, there is only one deadline, as you state so eloquently. I hope more people in the poetry community will speak out about this horrific slaughter, a genocide in which the U.S. is very much a partner.

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I deeply appreciate this testimony, message, imperative and witness. Thank you.

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Thank you Emily. I needed to read this as I am carrying profound grief and feel so helpless. You remind me that there are actions to take, and that the refusal to do business as usual, is one of them. One action I have taken is to host a reading on 4/16 to raise money for Operation Olive Branch fundraisers. I'm sharing the link in case anyone here would like to come/be with us/contribute: https://thenotebookscollective.com/event/a-notebooks-reading/ Thank you again for your words.

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I endorse this message fully! There can be no business as usual while this butchery takes place before our eyes! Thank you for your kindness and courage.

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Thank you so much, Emily.

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