The Poetry Bulletin is a poet-to-poet project to make the publishing process easier and fairer. It started in 2018 when I shared a spreadsheet of poetry book reading periods I was keeping, and it’s grown from there.
I now track 175+ reading periods, with a full refresh every January and monthly updates after that. That includes a spreadsheet you can use to track your submissions.
These tools are free to everyone, thanks to paid subscribers who back the project. Half of paid subscriptions go to a fund to help poets cover their book submission fees.
Who takes care of this?
I’m Emily Stoddard, a writer and artist in northern Michigan. Some of my projects:
🌀 Ironweed Arts, my studio for printmaking, zines, and tools for creative attention
🌀 Divination with a Human Heart Attached, my debut poetry book out with Game Over Books (the book I was submitting that seeded the Poetry Bulletin’s first spreadsheet of deadlines)
🌀 Surfacing, a book of closing practices for creative writers
🌀 My writing also appears in Kenyon Review, Belt Magazine, Writer’s Digest, Nimrod, The Baltimore Review, and elsewhere.